- The cutest expressions often come from the passing of gas.
- Someone THIS small can eat THAT much.
- Being puked on, peed on, pooped on, and burped on aren't so disgusting from your baby.
- Someone so cute can be so frustrating as well.
- It would take all of our energy to care for someone who sleeps 18 hours a day.
- The best way to meet neighbors and strangers is to have a baby with you.
- You have to pack the nursery in a bag to go out for a couple hours.
- The astounding number of things you can do with one hand while holding a baby in the other.
- Someone can wake you from a dead sleep at 3:00 in the morning, keep you up for two hours and still make you smile.
- That our parents love us this much!

He is getting SO BIG, and he is SO CUTE!!!
I looked over your list.. Duley noted.. I will remember it when I have kids =D Breckin is one lucky kid to have parents like you two!
Isn't that the truth! I am glad you guys are doing great! He is so beautiful. Keep those pics comin'.
What a great list and ALL so true!
Amazing how much life changes after these little angels come in and turn things upside down!
Such a cute litle guy!
Amazing how much life changes after these little angels come in and turn things upside down!
Such a cute litle guy!
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