Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Visitors Welcome

If you are in the area between the hours of 2:30 and 5:30 AM, feel free to stop by - we'll be up! Our sweet little angel has his days and nights very confused. After waking up to eat, he decides the middle of the night would be a great time to hang out with mom and dad. It could be worse, he could be screaming the whole time, which he doesn't, unless we try to put him down. We even get a few accidental smiles out of him during this time, unfortunately he doesn't get many in return from his exhausted mommy and daddy. It seems like we've tried everything to help "unconfuse" him; keeping him awake more during the day, keeping it dark and quiet at night, white noise, even the vacuum. Much of what I read says this is very normal at his age and he'll out grow it, but in the meantime, if you're up in the middle of the night, looking for something to do, stop on by - we'll be up!


Renee & Sheldon said...

I'm sorry to hear little Breckin has his days and nights confused =( Before you know it though, you'll look back on these days and think, "Well that wasn't TOO bad." =)

Bethany said...

I heard it gets easier with the sleeping! I'm dreading it myself, but also kindof excited. (am I totally weird?)
I've thought about going to China or somewhere completely opposite in the time change schedule to have our baby. That way we can bring it back all ready to go. Think it would work?