Sunday, June 22, 2008

Breckin's Room

It's ready - all I need is the baby on the outside instead of the inside! Our little man is an over-achiever; instead of the average 8 oz a week most babies gain at the end of pregnancy, Breckin put on 12 oz last week. That puts him at an estimated 6 lbs 6 oz. Every week when we have our ultrasound the tech, Erin, makes a point to mention how big he is and show us his chubby cheeks. Apparently it is possible for babies to have rolls of fat on their foreheads too - who knew! Breckin, mommy and daddy can't wait to kiss that adorable face of yours - we'll see you in 4 weeks and 2 days buddy!


Anonymous said...

His room looks so great.. It's all commming together now..

Patty Smith, Graphic Designer said...

I love it! You guys did a great job. We can't wait to see pictures of him. Love you guys and miss you.

Rebekah Hubley said...

His room is sooooooo cute!!!!! I love all of the books, and by the way: I love his name! All of my kiddos came out with fat roles and double chins... I love them that way, then they don't feel so fragile... I can't wait to see pics of your beautiful boy!

twinngirlsmom said...

Great room Brooke! I especially love the Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor book! Ha ha!

Brooklyn said...

The room is perfect! I bet you feel like time is standing still....waiting the last few weeks is SO hard. It won't be long now! My throughts and prayers are with you!

Randie Sanders said...

I so love your babys nursery! It's beautiful! I even showed it to my husband. I hate really babyish nurserys, you have incorperated the perfect amount of baby things with style. Love it love it!