Little B is all boy - he gets a kick out of farts, stares at the TV during football games and doesn't mind the dog licking his face. He's a great eater, a great sleeper and a really easy going kid. He's got his two bottom teeth, sits up on his own and can't wait until he's mobile! In a matter of weeks we are going to have some serious baby-proofing to do.
This little boy is the light of our lives, it's hard to remember our lives without him. Breckin, I hope you know how much Mommy and Daddy love you!
Wow, 6 months already?! He is so stinkin' cute! Isn't it weird to think of "life before baby?" It was like, "What did we DO before you?"
I can't believe he is six months, either! That really was fast! I've been watching him get bigger on your blog, he is precious!
Grandma's little boy is growing and learning so many things, can't wait to see you and hold you again( if you will sit still long enough)
Love Grandma
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