To all of you who have been anxiously checking our blog for updates - sorry it has been so long! In the time since I've blogged last, we have turned a huge corner. Many of you know
Breckin was struggling with his tummy. Starting around 6 weeks
Breckin started fussing with nearly every feeding. After seeing the pediatrician, he was started on
Prevacid with a diagnosis of acid reflux. After two weeks with no change, we went back where I informed her that his pooping habits had drastically changed - from 2-3 poops a day to 1 poop every 2-3 days. She said that this is not uncommon for babies and suggested we see a pediatric
gastroenterologist. The specialist agreed with our pediatrician that it was indeed reflux and we should increase his
Prevacid to three times a day.
Our babysitter, Kelly, with no medical degree but over ten years baby experience said she never knew a happy baby (especially the boys) who didn't poop every day. After 2 ounces of prune juice and a major colon cleanse, my boy is happy again! It is amazing what regular pooping will do for a baby's disposition! Thank you Kelly for convincing me that prune juice does indeed work wonders!
And now for some proof that our boy is much happier......

Yay for poops! He's gorgeous. Absolutely perfect.
Glad to hear his tummy is doing better! What a cutie--such beautiful smiles.
You never think you will care so much about poop before you have children.....
He is getting SO big! I think he looks just like his Mama!!!
Prune juice, eh....I think I might have to try that on Deacon...he doesn't poop everyday and he sure is fussy!! I'm so glad Breckin is feeling better...he has such a sweet smile!!
cousin Robbie says Breckin looks like an elf
Breckin says Robbie looks like a Tele-Tubby.
Grandpa wasn't there to teach Breckin to control the remote
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