As with most weekends these days, we ran errands trying to get everything ready for Breckin's arrival. Yes, I know he's not due for almost 90 days, but we're super excited and being the planners that we are, we want to have everything ready with plenty of time to spare - just in case. Saturday we got to do my most favorite thing yet; we went to the book store to pick out some starters for Breckin's library. As a kid I loved to read (still do) and I can't wait to instill that in my son.
Here is Will showing off some of our treasures.

Maya took interest in Breckin's books too. She tried to read them, but realized they were in human not doggie language and she wouldn't sit still long enough for me to read one to her.

And the obligitory belly picture.....
HOW FUN!! WIll, you look so excited with your books! Brooklyn LOVES to read (well, be read too) I swear we read no less that 50 a day I think.
Brooke - Beautiful as ever!!
You are getting more gorgeous by the day!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, I go to Haiti Friday to pick up Jonas. We are having babies, so to say, at the same time. Except this time, I do not have to expand and deliver an over 9 lb. baby! :-)
Books, Books, Books how exciting! And Stella quickly spotted the Curious George Book..."Ms. Brooke baby likes George too!"
Only 90 more days! Whoo Hoo!
You look great!! I am so excited for you guys! Looks like good starts for the library. I am not much of a reader but Ian is a huge reader and in turn has turned me into a book lover. (Children's books that is :)) Anyway, some of his favorites are Priddy books (the publisher) He has a lot of them; First words, Colors, Animals, Millie Moo, etc. He has me read them over and over and over!!! :) They are touch and feel and I think that is what he likes best about them. Anyway, you can find several of them at Sam's Club for a lot less than the bookstore. (If you are interested!) :) Enjoy this time girlie...he will be here before you know it!!!!
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