Our son (man, that sounds great) decided not to be like Adam and Eve today and wear a fig leaf. He was actually pretty proud and you better bet the last time he'll be that proud. Dad'll make sure of that...well, so will his mother!
What is his name you ask? We have two thirds of it down....???? David Lasher. He has to be Lasher by default, which extremely excites me. I think one of the things that would have disappointed me the most was to not have the Lasher family name be passed down through me. I am so greatful that will happen. David comes from Brooke's dad and it's also her brother's middle name. So now on we just have to decided a first time. Any suggestions?
Our son is doing well, he has four chamber heart, two legs, two arms, a spine, two kidneys, a stomach, a liver, and after I named all those off to my mom she finished the list off with "and a penis." If you know my mom, that is a bit surprising of a comment, but a good one.
The one concerning thing we saw on the ultrasound is that the placenta is sitting on top of the cervix, a condition called placenta previa. This is a dangerous condition because it can cause a lot of bleeding, a risk that is even higher because Brooke needs to take blood thinners because she has had blood clots in the past. Dr. Ehmer feels that there is a good chance that the placenta will move on its own as the pregnancy progresses; however, if it doesn't a c-section will be necessary and potentially early to prevent Brooke from going into labor naturally. Of course, if she starts to bleed any time before it's safe for the baby to come - it will be complete bed rest! So, please join us in praying that God will move the placenta away from danger and our little man and his mama will be safe!
His first words....ok, so the tech typed them.
Is that his mom's nose or his dad's?
We couldn't leave without him waving hello and bye to us!
Congratulations, Mom & Dad! He's perfect! We can't wait to meet him... God is so good! And we'll definitely be praying that his ornery (is that how you spell that?) placenta moves to the right side of the 'hood. :o)
Ahhhhh....how exciting!! Now Deacon and ???? David Lasher will be able to play together and do boy-stuff. You guys are going to be such great parents!!! We will definitly continue to be praying for you guys during this time. Thanks for keeping us updated on specific prayer requests. We love ya'll!!
the deGarmeaux's
PS.....So Brooke, how does it feel to know you are growing a penis inside of you!! hehehe...sorry I had to ask : / Love you!
Congratualtions, that's so exciting! A little Thundercat. I'd like to throw Panthro out there as an option for a first name. Its got a nice ring to it...
Wooo Hooo!!! We are so excited for you! Our Life Group won't know what to do with a Baby Boy! Can't wait to meet him!
hey my brother,texas sister, and little nephew lasher,
thought i drop off this first name suggestion per ur brother in law and ur uncle scott. He suggested Orville but laughed about when he said it though. Congrats u guys we love all of u and can't wait see ??? David Lasher.
sis,aunt shell& uncle scott
Wow!!!! We are so pumped for you guys! Congratulations!
Dave & Gloria
I have not been on the blog lately to find out that it is FOR SURE a boy. Very cool! I hope you are felling good Brooke - Make sure Wills Spoils you ROTTEN these last few months!
Will - you are going to be such a great dad!
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